Travel Bucket List

So by now I'm pretty sure a lot of people have their own bucket lists by now, so I thought I'd do one for my travel list, just because. In no particular order: Bungee jumping (probably the scariest

[NYC 2013] Day 14: NYC Last Day & Return to Malaysia

DAY 14 (8 Nov 2013): Back to Malaysia - Walk along 5th Avenue again - Last look around Times Square - Bye, NYC :'( My friends were going back to Aussie in the morning, while Nadia and I had at least

[NYC 2013] Day 12 & 13: NYC

DAY 12 (6 Nov 2013) & DAY 13 (7 Nov 2013): NYC - (Day 12) Goose chase to find my dad's Rembrandt paints - Walk around Union Square to find them :P - (Day 13) Walk from Central Park down to 5th Avenue

[NYC 2013] Day 11: NYC (Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn)

DAY 11 (5 Nov 2013): NYC  - Brooklyn Bridge - Grimaldi's - Walk around Brooklyn  On this day, my friends and I were set out to traverse across the Brooklyn Bridge, and walk around Brooklyn. So