[NYC 2013] Masterpost (26 Oct - 7 Nov 2013)

Orlando & New York City 2013: Masterpost
26 Oct - 7 Nov 2013

Originally, two of my friends were planning to go to New York City with a possible side-trip to Orlando some time in 2013. Another friend and I decided to come along because who could pass up such a trip?! Plus for me, it meant that I could probably do a side-trip to my "hometown" of Troy, Albany, NY - that was where my family and I stayed for a year and a half when my parents were continuing their studies 10 years ago. Plus, I've been to Orlando (Disneyworld & Universal Studio) as well as NYC before this, and I was keen on revisiting those places again.

I initially had some misgivings about airport securities with all the bad rep the authorities there get for racial profiling. Thankfully, everything went smoothly, although we did had to really rush so that we won't miss our domestic flight because immigration took so. damned. LONG. 

But yeah, when all is said and done, I've had tons of fun on this trip and managed to go back to Troy and gain new memories of NYC and Orlando <3


DAY 1 (26 Oct 2013): Arrival in NYC & Orlando

- Flight from KLIA to JFK airport via Qatar Airways (transit in Doha)
- Domestic flight from NYC to Orlando via JetBlue
- Arrive at hotel in Orlando (Orlando Point Resort)

DAY 2 (27 Oct 2013): Orlando

- 2 outlets, and a pair of sore feet

DAY 3 (28 Oct 2013): Orlando - Disneyworld

- Disneyworld Day 1
- Magic Kingdom

DAY 4 (29 Oct 2013): Orlando - Disneyworld

- Disneyworld Day 2
- Hollywood Studios

DAY 5 (30 Oct 2013): Orlando - Universal Studio

- Universal Studio
- Wizarding World of Harry Potter & the rest of Adventure Island

DAY 6 (31 Oct 2013) & DAY 7 (1 Nov 2013): NYC

- (Day 6) Flight from Orlando to NYC via JetBlue
- Arrive at hotel in NYC - Distrikt Hotel
- Halloween Parade! 
- (Day 7) United Nations Headquarters
- Grand Central Station
- NY Library & Bryant Park
- Macy's Herald Square
- Madison Square Garden

DAY 8 (2 Nov 2013): NYC

- National History Museum
- Central Park
- Shopping along 5th Avenue
- Rockefeller Center
- Top of the Rock

DAY 9 (3 Nov 2013): Albany

- Visit to Troy, Albany via Amtrak
- Troy High School <3 

DAY 10 (4 Nov 2013): NYC

- Statue of Liberty
- Wall Street
- 21st Century (shopping outlet) 
- Walking along Times Square 42nd Street
- Junior's Cheesecake 

DAY 11 (5 Nov 2013): NYC

- Brooklyn Bridge
- Grimaldi's
- Walk around Brooklyn 

DAY 12 (6 Nov 2013) & DAY 13 (7 Nov 2013): NYC

- (Day 12) Goose chase to find my dad's Rembrandt paints
- Walk around Union Square's roads to find them :P
- (Day 13) Walk from Central Park down to 5th Avenue (FAO Schwarz etc.)

DAY 14 (8 Nov 2013): Back to Malaysia

- Walk along 5th Avenue again
- Last look around Times Square
- Bye, NYC :'(

Budget for NYC 2013

  • Flight KL - NY - KL: RM4633
  • Flight NY - MCO - NY: USD200
  • Disneyworld & Universal Studios: approx. USD420/pax (3 days)
  • Orlando Point Resort: approx. RM700/pax (5 nights) 
  • Distrikt Hotel: RM2336/pax (8 nights)
  • Amtrak NY - Albany - NY: USD99/pax
  • Metrocard: USD38
  • Food, spending, shopping: USD3000