[KANSAI 2012] Day 7: Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium, Umeda, Nanba

DAY 7 (4 February 2012): Tempozan Harbor Village, Umeda, Nanba

- Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium

- Umeda

- Ebisubashi-suji street
- Walking around & dinner at Nanba Parks area

After breakfast, we decided to make our way to Tempozan Harbor Village to go to Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium in the morning. Got off at Osakako station and it was only a 5 minutes walk until we found a sight of the area: the Tempozan Ferris Wheel.

Entrance fee was 2000 yen per pax, and it was worth it. The place was HUGE.

The place was so huge that we had to take a break for some snacks at the food centre within the aquarium.

Overlooking the harbor

There was a shopping building nearby the area, so we decided to have our lunch there before making our way to Umeda.

Tempura curry rice. So good.
After lunch we went to Umeda and walked around Hankyu Umeda station - so many malls and so many things to look at. We were thinking of going to the Umeda Skybuilding but didn't have the time and energy, so after a few hours of looking around, we walked back to our hotel for a rest.

Here we are, pointing out the Skybuilding which we wouldn't be visiting
After a much-needed rest, we found our way back to Shinsaibashi - what, the place was calling out to us and it was out last night out in Japan! Shopped a little bit more, and we went to Nanba Parks to walk around the area and search for food.

It was so late by the time we searched for dinner that most restaurants are closed already. Finally found a restaurant with a cat theme around the Nanba Parks area. Yummy and cute!

The cat-themed restaurant

So cute!!!
By the time we finished dinner, it was around 11pm, so we made our way back to Frasers Residence.

Good night, Nanba :'(

Go to Day 6 (Nanba, Umeda) | Go to Day 8 (Nanba, Kansai Airport)
Kansai 2012 Masterpost