For my third and second day in Japan, I went around the Tokyo area with one of my longtime e-pal (internet pal? penpal? idk what kids call it nowadays) - we first "met" each other on the now-defunct almost 10 years ago, when had a karaoke challenge for fun (I know, ssshh - I regret this part of my life lol). The rest, as they say, is history. We actually met each other in real life during the Maaya concert, so it was pretty amazing to be able to meet in Japan and for a Maaya & Kanno concert at that!
We didn't have any specific itinerary planned out, so we just made our way to Akihabara where serendipity was at work - the roads were closed from traffic so we had the whole stretch to ourselves. We even encountered a flash mob on during our walk through Akihabara, which was pretty cool.
We then made our way to Harajuku, had coffee and desserts while we were people-watching (Harajuku is made for people-watching seriously), and walked our way to Shinjuku somehow (Eeps, I don't trust you with Google maps anymore).
Akazukin Cha Cha! Ahhhh sweet childhood memories. |
Seriously Japan what? I'm still astounded by the variety of KitKats you have despite having been here for 3 times now. |
A plethora of KitKats. |
And of course, a plethora of maccha snacks. |
This is one of the entrances to Alice's Wonderland, I'm sure of it. |
We got lost trying to find this cafe lol. So much for technology. But the coffee was gooood. |
The next day, I wanted to go to Ashikaga Flower Park since I heard the wisteria would start blooming some time in May. The trip itself took around 3 hours from Tokyo via two train lines, and only part of the cost would be covered by the JR Pass (so you would have to pay additional for the other train line).
This was seriously the most delicious desserts I've come across - and it wasn't even mine :'D |
After a pretty satisfying late-lunch/dinner & desserts somewhere in Tokyo, we decided to make our way to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which has a free observatory in both towers. The night views were pretty amazing!
Oh hello there, Tokyo tower. And with that, I bid you good night! |
Go to Day 1 (Sakamoto Maaya 20th Anniversary Live) | Go to Day 4 (Hakone)
Japan 2015 Masterpost
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